Sale: | Free To Good Home Scotland |
Total : 36
Showing 1 - 10 of 36 sale
Zerosette 4 Voice Musette MIDI Accordion - with Roland Ra-90 Sound & Rhythm Module |
£949.00 |
Zerosette MIDI Musette Accordion - Quality Italian Accordion
In Very Good Condition - Plays very
North Lanarkshire , Bellshill
Peach 7 Seater Leather Corner Sofa |
£200.00 |
goods, feel free to contact us on 01236 326310 and we can collect it for you.
Sofas/Mattresses must
North Lanarkshire , Airdrie
£4.00 |
East End of Glasgow to become one of Scotland's
Glasgow , Thornliebank
Blundell Harling A0 size drawing / draughting board |
£160.00 |
Blundell Harling A0 size drawing / draughting board
This was called “The Wessex” draughting unit, consisting of:-
The “Hardy” floor...
Highland , Nairn
Bespoke handmade hipster wooden hairpin legs dark waxed table / desk. 90 x 50 |
£150.00 |
120cm wide table. The Brooklyn Home is only 90cm wide, but to regain lost surface area, I’ve sneaked the
Cambridge | Cambridgeshire
Bespoke handmade hipster wooden hairpin legs light waxed table / desk. 90 x 50 |
£150.00 |
120cm wide table. The Brooklyn Home is only 90cm wide, but to regain lost surface area, I’ve sneaked the
Cambridge | Cambridgeshire
Bespoke handmade hipster wooden hairpin legs medium waxed table desk. 120 x 60cm |
£170.00 |
those who need to work from home but don’t want their home to feel like a place of work. It retains the
Cambridge | Cambridgeshire
Quaity band PA (amp, speakers, mixer, equaliser etc) in wheeled rack trolley. Swap motorcycle? |
£1,000.00 |
A quality PA setup for a band. In good to excellent used condition from a smoke-free house. Will
Fife , Dunfermline
Bespoke handmade wooden narrow hairpin legs dark waxed table / desk. 120 x 40cm |
£150.00 |
Brooklyn - £150 tall, slim, beautiful
W120cm - D40cm - H75cm
This is my signature creation and most popular piece!
Usually thought of as a side...
Cambridge | Cambridgeshire
Bespoke handmade wooden narrow hairpin legs medium waxed table / desk 120 x 40cm |
£150.00 |
Brooklyn - £150 tall, slim, beautiful
W120cm - D40cm - H75cm
This is my signature creation and most popular piece!
Usually thought of as a side...